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Love Drupal? You Need To Attend Our Drupal 8 Sprint!

Love Drupal? You Need To Attend Our Drupal 8 Sprint!

Drupal is not just a CMS, it's one of the most passionate communities where we evolve together. At Innoppl, we embrace the Drupal way of life and encourage developers to unite and contribute. So, here we are, looking to start a brand new year with a Drupal 8 sprint in Chennai on Jan…

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Innoppl at DrupalCon Asia – Day 2

Innoppl at DrupalCon Asia – Day 2

Pre- Keynote and DriesNote Day 2 of DrupalCon began with all of us in high spirits. With DriesNote (the keynote by legendary Drupal founder Dries Buytaert) in the morning and several Drupal pros scheduled to talk on various stages for rest of the day, the turnout was higher than Day 1. We were…

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