“The best open source community on the planet,” proclaimed Danese Cooper during her keynote on Saturday. After witnessing the energy, enthusiasm and camaraderie at the Drupal Conference over the weekend, we had to agree with her. "The best open source community in the world!" - Danese Cooper keynote @DrupalConAsia @drupal #dcasia #DrupalCon pic.twitter.com/KO0GemItS7—…
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Pre- Keynote and DriesNote Day 2 of DrupalCon began with all of us in high spirits. With DriesNote (the keynote by legendary Drupal founder Dries Buytaert) in the morning and several Drupal pros scheduled to talk on various stages for rest of the day, the turnout was higher than Day 1. We were…
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It was a big day for me, not least because it was my first DrupalCon, and my first time in Mumbai. Any anticipatory excitement was quickly justified, with both the Conference and the city more than living up to their reputations. This year, DrupalCon Asia is being hosted at IIT Bombay, from February 18-21.…
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